Magnamed is providing 6,500 ventilators to Brazil’s health ministry. MEDEV exclusively distributes Magnamed’s high quality ICU (Fleximag Plus, Babymag) and transport (Oxymag) ventilators in the Philippines since January this year.

From EurekAlert:

Startup supported by FAPESP will supply mechanical ventilators to Brazil’s Health Ministry

Based in São Paulo, Magnamed will produce 6,500 ventilators by August for use in treating COVID-19 patients, working in partnership with a pool of leading Brazilian and multinational corporations.

On April 8, 2020, São Paulo-based Magnamed signed an agreement with Brazil’s Health Ministry for the supply of 6,500 mechanical ventilators by August of this year.

The agreement is designed to help meet growing demand for ventilators from hospitals across the country as they struggle to provide critical care for COVID-19 patients.

To achieve this goal, Magnamed will partner with the following companies: Positivo, Brazil’s largest computer maker; Suzano, one of the world’s leading pulp and paper producers; Klabin, another major pulp and paper company; Embraer, Flextronics, Fiat Chrysler, and White Martins.

“We’re honored to be able to help the nation at this time. This will only be possible thanks to the partnerships,” said Wataru Ueda, CEO of Magnamed, in a press release.

Magnamed’s portable emergency ventilator, OxyMag, was developed with funding from FAPESP’s Innovative Research in Small Business Program (PIPE) between 2006 and 2012.

“Magnamed illustrates the benefits to society of having in São Paulo institutions as significant as ITA [Aeronautical Technology Institute], USP [University of São Paulo], CIETEC [Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Technology] and FAPESP. Training engineers in world-class schools assures a return to society. Supporting research excellence assures a return to society. Stimulating small tech firms assures a return to society. The capacity of the state of São Paulo in technological capability building is mobilizing in an exemplary manner to help tackle the pandemic crisis,” said Carlos Henrique de Brito Cruz, FAPESP’s Scientific Director.

Read the full article here: